A Dinner Meeting was held at Ding How II on September 16th, 2018. The minutes from this meeting follow.
Thanks to Gina Hammon for being a substitute host this month and Valeta Wheeler for being a substitute recording secretary!
Sixteen people attended the North Alabama Mensa September 16 dinner meeting at Ding How II Restaurant.
Membership Chair/VP Gina Hammon Mitchell called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Old Business
Changing the Dinner Meeting Schedule: Paper ballots were handed out and those present were asked to cast a ballot (with their name on it in order to avoid duplicate votes for those who had voted online or by contacting the Loc Sec directly). It was reported that the online vote currently was 8 for Saturday and 3 for Sunday.
Jesse Buckley/webmaster will be making updates to the North Alabama Mensa web site and he would like to have suggestions and recommendations and comments from members.
A test was held September 5 for one person.
New Business
Testing – In October the Mensa test will be $30, which is half price. North Alabama Mensa will have a test Day at the Main Huntsville Library Saturday, October 20 at 9:30 a.m.
Gina will hold a test session at her office Friday, October 12 from 9:00 – 12:00. She is especially interested in youth (14 and older) who are interested in taking the test. This is the week of fall break. Look for information in the newsletter.
Martha Williams reported that Kids TReK programs hosted by her will not be held at the Huntsville Library until the library has policy changes. Other people are welcome to host events there if they choose.
Martha Williams reported that Oakwood University will be hosting the 31st Chemistry Night on October 22 from 6:00 to 8:00p.m. It is open to the public and free. All children must have an adult present.
Martha Williams reported that she had spoken to Jimmy McWilliams on the afternoon of September 16. The best times to call him are between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Jimmy and the family appreciated the fruit baskets sent by North Alabama Mensa to celebrate his 98th birthday this summer.
Gina Hammon reported that a youth event is in work, but has not be confirmed at this time. Watch the newsletter for information.
Please watch the newsletter for information on social events such as games night, trivia night, and other new events that may be coming soon.
September FSM will be hosted by Steve Rittenberg.
White elephants were joyfully distributed and received.
Diane Meyers moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Rebecca Podowski.
Our own Dr Martin Weisskopf gave a presentation on X-ray polarization measurements of astronomical objects. Dr Weisskopt described experiments that have taken place in the past (including pictures of his team in 1971) and what is coming soon – particularly what can be done with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE).
Respectfully submitted,
Valeta Wheeler
substitute scribe